• Physics & Astronomy

    MIT open courses - Some great classes on video.

    WebPlotDigitizer - Online tool for extracting data from plots.

    SNANA - A public code for simulating and fitting SNe data.

    Library Genesis - Online russian library of textbooks.

  • Academic institutions

    Raul Abramo - My PhD advisor's webpage.

    IF-USP - Physics institute of the University of Sao Paulo.

    IAG-USP - Astronomy institute of the University of Sao Paulo.

    Upenn - Department of Physics & Astronomy.

  • Life, the universe and everything

    Reporter Brasil - News on human rights in Brazil.

    Minecraft Wiki - All about the Minecraft game.

    WFDF - Information about Ultimate Frisbee.

    CifraClub - Guitar tabs and chords for all style musics.